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Who are we ?

Who are we ?

Brosserie Lecler Noël is an LLC founded in 1972 in Normandy.

We are on a site of 11 000 m² with 4 000 m² workshop and 6,000 m² of storage and 1 000 m² of office space at your service for a complete French production .

The company is equipped with ultra-modern machines to offer you the best quality product at the best price.

Each year we invest so that our production remains at the forefront of technology in our field.

Notre atelier
Entrée du bâtiment Vue aerienne
Our products export in the world wild, in more than 25 countries and in the 5 continents.

95% of our waste is recycled

The preservation of environment is a real challenge for our planet. And it why Brosserie Lecler Noël has put in place several measures to have a favourable approach, responsible and committed.

Brosserie Lecler Noël uses in its manufacturing process as soon as possible, technically and quantify, recycling material (Polyester pipe, Polypropylene support, steel wire…).

Brosserie Lecler Noël sorts all its waste on each production machine.

Indeed, each operator has selective bins in order to sort the different materials used in the manufacture of our products (plastic: polypropylene, polyethylene, polyester; cardboard and steel)

Thank to it dynamic political, we recycling a total almost 95 % of our wastes.

A team at your service

A qualified technical service and a technical sales representatives’ team pay attention and help the costumers in their choice.
So, join us, we have a long way to do together ...

  • Sylvain DEGRUMELLE


    Managing director
    +33.2 32 89 98 78

  • Damien JENAMY


    sector IDF & Grand Est
    +33.6 29 45 91 78



    Sector Normandie & Hauts-de-France
    +33.6 80 27 52 49


    Sales administration

    Sales administration
    Reception & logistic
    +33.2 32 89 98 78